
What is a cannabis tolerance break? And when is it helpful?

February 12, 2023

Tolerance break, also known as a T-break, is a temporary and deliberate cessation of cannabis use to reset the body's tolerance for THC. Tolerance to THC will increase in those who consume cannabis for medical or recreational purposes, or both. To reduce this tolerance, you can take tolerance breaks.

What is cannabis tolerance?

Tolerance refers to a body's resistance to a medication or substance that is regularly taken. To achieve the desired effect, you will need to consume more of the substance. THC can be taken on a regular basis, just like other drugs and medications.Tolerance is complex and scientists are still not able to fully understand how our bodies adapt when we experience it. Brain imaging studies have shown that people who regularly use cannabis/THC cause a decrease of THC receptors in their brains.The body's natural system for interacting with cannabis, the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is dynamic and responsive. The ECS is able to sense when it's being overpowered by THC and adjusts by becoming less sensitive. To achieve the same effects as when you first began smoking cannabis, you will need to consume more THC.Although tolerance increases with regular use, the research on the time it takes is not conclusive. Although animal studies suggest that female rodents develop tolerance faster than males (although this is difficult to prove in humans), This process is complex and dependent on many factors, including consumption patterns, THC dosages, administration routes, genetic makeup, and other factors. If you feel the effects of cannabis differently than you expected, it is known as a tolerance.

Do you think it is a bad idea to develop a tolerance?

Tolerance is not necessarily a bad thing. Many patients with medical conditions want to experience the pain relief of THC, but have difficulty coping with THC's side effects like brain fog and impairment. It is possible to enjoy the medical benefits of cannabis without any unwanted impairment once a person has developed a sufficient tolerance. Patients have reported that they can take THC before going to bed when they first start cannabis therapy. They can slowly incorporate small amounts of THC into daily life by sleeping through the effects for at least a week.

What are the benefits to a tolerance break?

Tolerance breaks can provide many benefits for very little effort. Regular breaks are a great strategy to reduce cannabis consumption and minimize the risk of over-consuming THC.THC activates CB1 receptors within the brain's reward system. This triggers neurological reactions that increase the probability of someone using cannabis again. Although cannabis can be used to make people feel good and it is legal, any substance that gives the user a reward can be misused. Regular cannabis consumption can increase your risk of developing cannabis abuse disorder (CUD) and cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome(CHS). Tolerance breaks reduce the body's dependence on THC and can help to prevent these disorders from developing.Tolerance breaks can also increase the effectiveness of cannabis once you resume your consumption. You will get a stronger high or symptom relief from using less cannabis, which in turn means that you spend less over the long-term.

What side effects can a tolerance break have?

Some people who use cannabis regularly may experience withdrawal symptoms when trying to stop using it. A study found that almost half of users experience withdrawal symptoms after quitting cannabis use. These withdrawal symptoms can be similar to nicotine withdrawal. They include irritability and decreased appetite. These side effects are more common in high-dependent users, but they are usually mild and not disruptive.Patients who are using cannabis for medical purposes are more likely to experience the same symptoms as before. Temporarily switching from one medication to another or using alternative and complementary therapies might be beneficial during this period. Medical patients will likely be regular users of cannabis. This makes them more vulnerable to chronic cannabis use (such hyperemesis). Tolerance management is crucial for long-term, sustainable cannabis therapy.

How can I make a tolerance break?

Stop smoking cannabis for two days to break your tolerance. The availability of CB1 receptors is reduced by prolonged cannabis use, according to research. After just 48 hours, these receptors quickly return to a cannabis-naive condition. After two days of abstinence, your tolerance should return to normal.This may be difficult for some people who have grown to depend on cannabis for their daily lives. It's not a bad idea to reduce the amount or frequency of your use (exercise moderation) but it is different from going cold-turkey and taking an ECS reset. Some people find it useful to reduce their intake over time, before going on a true T-break for several days.People who smoke cannabis less than once a day might benefit from longer tolerance periods of up to two weeks, or even a whole month. You can decide how long you want to wait before you start using cannabis. You can decide what you want from a tolerance break. Give it a shot and let your body feel the effects. Tolerance breaks are not the same for everyone. Everybody reacts differently to cannabis and THC.Some people choose to replace THC with CBD in order to break the tolerance. According to some reports, CBD appears to reduce withdrawal symptoms associated with a tolerance change. This is backed up by research in mice, but more human studies are needed.

How often should One take a tolerance break?

Scientists and doctors have not rigorously examined tolerance breaks. Some cannabis-centric doctors and patient advocacy groups suggest that taking a 48-hour rest every 30 days is a good strategy to manage tolerance and prevent physical dependence.You can use cannabis to treat a chronic condition, or just to enjoy it. There are many reasons to be careful about how much you consume to ensure your endocannabinoid system is functioning at its best.So if you're looking for a dispensary in Moorhead, it's a good idea to be mindful of your cannabis tolerance and consider taking regular T-breaks to ensure you're getting the most out of your cannabis consumption.