
What are Terpenes?

April 1, 2021

If you've paid attention to the world of cannabis in the last few years, you have probably heard about the growing popularity of terpenes. These tiny, aromatic molecules come with a powerhouse of effects and have grown into a hot topic in cannabis. But what exactly are terpenes, and why are they important? Here's what you need to know about these fascinating compounds.

What Are Terpenes?

It wasn't too long ago that people thought the most important thing about cannabis was the THC content. But the world of cannabis has grown up a lot since then, and for good reason – cannabis is a plant that's packed with compounds that interact with our bodies. And just like the way many of us enjoy the complex flavors and aroma intricacies of wine, the world is starting to treasure them in cannabis as well.

Terpenes are organic compounds produced in the trichomes of the cannabis plant that affect the flavor, aroma, and the way it makes you feel. But unlike most cannabinoids like THC, they can be found throughout nature. Lavender, lemons, pine needles, mangos, and many others all over the plant kingdom get their aroma from their high terpene content.

Most plants contain a relatively uniform terpene profile (a lime's terpene profile doesn't shift from lime to lime), but the range of terpenes found in the cannabis plant is wildly diverse. And while we love terpenes for their flavors and aromas, it's their effects that are really interesting.

Terpene Effects

While cannabinoids are known for their ability to affect our physical and mental states, terpenes' effects are much more nuanced. Cannabinoids like THC might make you feel euphoric, silly, or giggly and can make you feel high. But a terpene that produces mood elevation, such as pinene or limonene, will produce softer effects – like the uplifting boost you feel on a walk through the woods. Terpenes won't make you feel intoxicated, but they do have a real impact on your experience.

Cannabinoids like THC and CBD contribute to the strength of your experience, while terpenes are more associated with the tone of the experience -- whether it will be uplifting or relaxing or one of the many other unique experiences they can provide. In fact, cannabinoids and terpenes work naturally together and interact in the nervous system through what's known as the Entourage Effect. This phenomenon produces effects that are much more powerful than just cannabinoids or terpenes would on their own.

Terpenes can also have therapeutic effects that boost our emotional wellbeing. In the same way that aromatherapy works, inhaling linalool, found in lavender and cannabis, can have a calming and soothing effect. While limonene, found in citrus fruits as well as cannabis, can have a mood-elevating effect. Terpenes also have potent anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective health benefits for humans.

Health Benefits

Now that you know what terpenes are and how they are different from cannabinoids, why not experience them for yourself?