
Understanding the Benefits of Low-THC Therapy

November 14, 2022

A recent study from the Centers found that chronic pain is the number one reason Americans seek medical attention. Chronic pain is also a major reason why people turn to opioids for pain relief. What if there were an alternative to opioid pain relief that didn't cause addiction and could help improve your symptoms and long-term quality life?Cannabis dispensaries recommend low-THC therapy to men and women with chronic conditions and other conditions that prevent them from living the best life possible. This alternative to painkillers is becoming more popular. Take a moment to find out what low-THC therapy is all about and if it might be right for your needs.

Low-THC Medical Cannabis Has been Legalized

Low THC cannabis meets all requirements of the Department of Health in the various states. These regulations require that all cannabis products, including flowers, seeds, resin, or any other product, derived from the plant, contain 0.8% or less tetrahydrocannabinol, (THC), the psychoactive component of marijuana. Low-THC medical marijuana doesn't have the same euphoric effects as full-potency cannabis.In most states a qualified doctor must perform an examination and evaluation before you are eligible to receive a prescription for low THC medical marijuana therapy. If you are eligible, your doctor will determine your prescription. This includes the dosage and the type of low-THC that you can buy at a marijuana dispensary.  Limits are determined by the amount and dosage of your prescription. This determines how many medications you can buy per order.

There are many forms of low-THC therapy

Based on your medical assessment and preferences, your prescription for low-THC treatment may be filled in any of the following formulations:

  • Oral doses
  • Topical oils
  • Inhalation methods

THC stimulates the brain's cannabinoid receptors when it is inhaled, ingested or applied topically. Cannabinoids, which are chemical compounds that have a similar structure to THC, are found naturally in your body. The THC is absorbed by the brain's receptors and causes pain relief.

Low-THC therapy can be used to relieve many types of pain

Low-THC therapy could be a good alternative if you have chronic pain or other symptoms that do not respond to medical treatment. These are qualifying conditions:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Cancer
  • Crohn's Disease
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS).
  • Glaucoma
  • Epilepsy and seizures
  • Chronic pain disorders such as migraines or fibromyalgia can include fibromyalgia and other forms of chronic pain.
  • Other

Your doctor can assess your condition and determine if low-THC medical cannabis is a suitable treatment. Every person is unique, so your needs and general health will be considered. You can take the first step towards learning more about low-THC therapy and how it may help you live a happier life. If you have already got the prescription, just type cannabis dispensaries near me to find the best marijuana products providers in your area.