
Terpenes: What Is Terpinene?

April 6, 2021

Over 100 different terpenes have been identified in the cannabis plant. However, because most of them only exist in trace amounts, it can be easy to overlook how important they are and just how much they contribute to the cannabis experience. One of these terpenes is terpinene, a zesty compound with significant therapeutic potential that makes it well worth exploring further.

Keep reading to learn more about terpinene and some terpene-rich strains you can find at your local marijuana dispensary in West Hollywood!

What Is Terpinene?


Terpinene, also known as alpha-terpinene and terpinen-4-ol, is a terpene found in the cannabis plant. Terpenes are aromatic hydrocarbon compounds that are known for giving plants their aroma. For a long time, it was thought that this was their only role, but recent research indicates that a variety of terpenes may actually possess a variety of therapeutic properties. 

Terpinene is known for its spicy scent and can be found in things such as eucalyptus, marjoram, cardamom, and juniper. It’s also believed to give certain cannabis strains a similarly spicy kick. At a molecular level, terpinene can also be produced synthetically as a chemical re-arrangement of a-pinene, another terpene commonly found in cannabis.

Terpinene is frequently used as a flavoring agent and can be found in various dishes and recipes. If you frequently eat Indian cuisine, you’ve likely ingested cardamom, a common spice in Indian food. And if you prefer a Mediterranean diet, you may have come across terpinene in marjoram. 

Terpinene is also the main chemical constituent in tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is believed to have a range of potential uses including for the treatment of acne, dandruff, lice, nail fungus, and athlete’s foot. Research indicates that terpinene may have even more potential therapeutic uses. 


The antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil and its main terpene terpinene have long been known in folk medicine. Recent research has backed these claims up by showing the antioxidant potential of terpinene and tea tree oil. A 2012 study found that terpinene displayed strong antioxidant properties as a part of tea tree oil


Research also suggests that terpinene may be effective in the treatment of certain types of cancers. A 2016 study found that terpinene “induces a significant growth inhibition” of gastric, prostate, pancreatic, and colorectal cancer cells. Researchers concluded that terpinene was able to significantly enhance the “effect of several chemotherapeutic and biological agents”. Much more research must be done to confirm and expand on these findings, but like many other terpenes, terpinene may have serious potential as an anti-cancer agent. 

High-Terpinene Strains At Your Local Marijuana Dispensary In West Hollywood


Terpinene is such a rare terpene that very few strains have been found to contain it. Nevertheless, you may still be able to stumble upon some terpinene-rich strains at your local marijuana dispensary in West Hollywood. Next time you’re browsing the shelves, keep an eye out for strains like Sentinel and Warwick #1 – two rare cannabis strains with serious therapeutic potential.