
Too High? Do This to Come Down

April 21, 2021

When smoking cannabis, one of the most common concerns faced by new or infrequent consumers is getting too high. When individuals dose with too much cannabis, the results can be uncomfortable, frustrating, and often last for hours until the body and mind manage to properly come down. However, wisdom abounds on the best ways to reduce discomfort from cannabis highs. If you accidentally become too high after your trip to a Columbia, MD cannabis dispensary, here’s everything you need to know about how to come down, and how to avoid these situations in the first place.

How to Avoid Getting Too High

Before smoking, there are many measures that can be taken in order to reduce the discomfort from your cannabis high. For example, one of the most common suggestions to individuals with low tolerance is to eat a plentiful meal prior to cannabis consumption. Smoking on an empty stomach intensifies the high, and for inexperienced consumers, this can lead to an overwhelming experience.

Furthermore, the dose of cannabis you plan to use should always be decided before your session. When you have a clear amount of cannabis in mind, you are a lot less likely to overindulge. The same is particularly true of edible products, many of which include information for proper dosing procedures on their packaging.

When smoking, always exercise patience in between bowls. The most important thing to remember is that you can always ingest more THC, but once it’s in your system, it will take a long time to go away. Waiting 20 minutes to an hour in between smoking is recommended to avoid uncomfortable situations.

Eat Food and Drink Water

If you find yourself in a situation where you’ve ingested too much THC after your trip to a Columbia, MD cannabis dispensary, it’s not too late to eat snacks and drink water to soften the effects of your high. Cold water can freshen the faculties, while snacking on some good food can help distract the mind from the harsher aspects of a cannabis high.

Take a Shower

Often when we ingest too much THC, it can leave us feeling immobilized or languishing in an unpleasant, full-bodied haze. To this end, hopping in the shower can be a way to shake off some of the “couch-lock” sensation that strands the body in a malaise. Whether you prefer your showers hot or cold, the water should assist in invigorating one’s sense of being. 

Get Some Sleep

By far the best approach for dispelling a discomforting cannabis high is to simply get some rest. Some cannabis highs may be persistent and keep you awake with a jarring buzz, but when you can take the opportunity to rest, you will likely find that your high has disappeared not long after you awaken. 

If you find that you can’t get to sleep immediately, attempting light exercise or movement may be the best way to release excess energy to achieve a more restful state. Although, most cannabis strains should assist with getting to sleep in some manner, so closing one’s eyes and lying down for an extended period of time will likely do the trick.

Another great idea? Make sure to have some CBD on hand! It can help temper your high.