
The Basics of Cannabis Pre-Rolls and How They Can Help

February 7, 2022

The Basics of Cannabis Pre-Rolls and How They Can Help

It can be difficult to buy cannabis. Even for those with medical marijuana cards, it can be confusing to know which products will best suit your needs. The staff at cannabis dispensaries will be available to answer your questions, but it is helpful to know what options are available before you call. This is the traditional, green cannabis plant. It is still the most widely used way to consume cannabis. There are many different ways to smoke cannabis, and each has its benefits, depending on your preferences.

A cannabis pre-roll is one of the most convenient ways to smoke.

What is a Pre-Roll?

It is important to understand what cannabis pre-rolls are before you start to think about whether they might work for you. Pre-rolls are cannabis joints that have already been rolled for you. The only elements of a standard pre-roll are cannabis, rolling paper, and a tiny filter that goes in your mouth. Pre-rolls can contain infusions of other cannabis products or other additives to increase their potency. Pre-rolls are not like vapes, bongs or bowls. You don't need any additional equipment, other than a lighter or extra preparation. To smoke, the user must simply light the end and exhale deeply.

Types of Pre-Rolls

There are many types of pre-rolls you can buy, just like other cannabis products. It really comes down to what effect you want from cannabis.

Pre-rolls can be very specific to a strain. These strains are often described in the following categories:


Indica strains are well-known for their grounding and calming qualities. These strains can make you feel sleepy, or not want to do anything. This is why many people know the expression "Indica = in the couch" which means that these strains are less likely to cause paranoia and jitteriness. They can also help relieve pain if they contain a high percentage of CBD. Pre-rolls made from Indica cannabis can be used to provide a relaxing experience, or to reduce stress and insomnia.


Indica strains are more effective when it comes to Serotonin levels and energy-based activities. These strains have been shown to increase creativity, motivation, and reduce anxiety and depression. These strains won't make you feel as tired, making them a great choice for daytime symptom relief. Some people may experience an unpleasant reaction to Sativa strains if they are more susceptible to paranoia or panic. Sativa pre-rolls can be used to relieve pain and increase appetite. This is great news for many medical marijuana cardholders.


Pre-rolls that contain a hybrid strain of cannabis are somewhere between an Indica or a Sativa. Every strain of cannabis is different, which is why you should be careful when looking for hybrid pre-rolls. You will need to research how each one affects you.

Each of these pre-rolls has its benefits. It all depends on what you want. These labels are still useful, but they are not current. Each strain has its own terpene profile which gives it the specific effects that patients want, including pain relief, sleep aids, and euphoria. It's important that you remember that different strains have different effects. What gives one person euphoria may make another feel sleepy.


Pre-rolls have the advantage that you can purchase them in several different ways. It is fine to only purchase one pre-roll if you aren't sure if you want to try them or just to get a feel for how they work. You can purchase pre-rolls in packs if you are sure you like them. These options allow you to experiment with cannabis while still making a small investment. Cannabis Pre-rolls, unlike other methods, are affordable, which makes them an excellent way to try marijuana flowers.

Make sure to add a smokey flower!

Make sure your recommended doctor adds smokables to your recommendation. This was added in 2019 as an independent route of administration and must be added by your recommending doctor. The inhalation pathway does NOT include loose flowers or pre-rolls. Patients cannot purchase pre-rolls or loose flowers without the smokable floral recommendation.

Benefits of Pre-Rolls

Pre-rolls offer unique benefits, just like any other method of cannabis consumption. Although the benefits may not be worth the cons for everyone, many pre-rolls are a repeat purchase because of the following advantages:

Avoid the Mess

Rolling takes dexterity, patience and some skill.

You may be a fan of cannabis joints, but you also know how messy it can be to make your own. It is easy to find cannabis anywhere, and it can be very wasteful to roll your own joints. Pre-rolls are far more convenient than rolling your own joints when it comes to prerolls.

It doesn't matter how long you smoke weed, rolling a joint can be more difficult than it seems.

They are portable

A single pre-roll or pack of prerolls can be transported in the same way as a pack of cigarettes. This is particularly important for medical marijuana card holders. It's crucial to have your cannabis card with you when you're using it for pain management, or any other medical condition. Pre-rolls are a convenient and portable option for this.

They are affordable

High-quality equipment can be expensive, especially if you're just beginning your cannabis journey. It's worth not spending on expensive equipment if you aren't sure what you want. Pre-rolls can be much cheaper and are often available in singles. This allows you to try new strains without spending a lot.

They are high quality

It can be fun to roll your own marijuana joints, but it is easy to make mistakes. Too much or too little cannabis can cause wasted product. Many people roll their own joints too loosely, too tightly, or with too many. Pre-rolls ensure that your joints are rolled correctly by professionals, so you get the best return on your investment.

Pre-Rolls: The Downsides

Pre-rolled cannabis joints can have many benefits, but there can also be disadvantages. It is important to understand both sides of any type of cannabis before you jump in. These are the downsides of pre-rolls.

Pre-Rolls Need Proper Storage

Although this is true for all cannabis products technically, it's important that flower products are stored in airtight containers so that they don’t dry out. A mason jar is a popular choice, but they are easily broken. The contents of your storage container will be destroyed if it is broken.

MUV Pre-rolls are packaged in an airtight, plastic tube. This allows you to easily open and seal the tube.

However, if your pre-roll doesn't come in a MUV container, it's best to place pre-rolls inside of a sealed bag or invest in a temperature-controlled container to protect your smokes.

Stale Ingredients

To fill pre-rolls, some dispensaries may use shake or other stems from the marijuana plant. Some may even add an older product. MUV would not allow this, but it is important to remember that pre-rolls from other places may not use high-quality plants.

Are pre-rolled joints worth it?

Do not let the possible disadvantages deter you from trying pre-rolls. Pre-rolls can be a viable option for most people and many cannabis users prefer them over other methods. It is up to each individual to decide if they are worth it. There may be cheaper options for those who smoke cannabis regularly. Pre-rolls might be a good choice for those who prefer to use tinctures or edibles and want something to smoke on occasion. Not only will a qualified patient care representative be able to tell you which strains work best for you, but they can also help you find the right ingestion method for you.

Visit Your Nearest Dispensary To See Quality Strain-Specific Pre-Rolls

Find a friendly, patient-centered dispensary that can help you with your medical marijuana needs.They will answer your questions and help you understand how cannabis works in your body. They can offer honest and open education resources for anyone who is interested in cannabis as an alternative medicine. You can start shopping at cannabis dispensary locations near you to find the best cannabis products, services, and advice.